Pet Photography

Hi, its Toby, Susan the pet photographer’s dog. My human mummy has promised me a dog’s dinner, if I introduce this section, and don’t make a pig’s ear of it, or was it a pig’s ear if I don’t make a dog’s dinner of it? Either way, it’s all good!
When, you book your pet photography photo shoot, she will talk to your human and tell them what to expect at the studio, and discover what sort of pet images you like.
My human, is great with people, and takes the time to introduce herself to your human friend before the pet photo shoot begins.
At this point, you can introduce yourself to my human (jump around and look cute and she’ll be like putty in your paws)
When Susan the pet photographer, brings out the camera, behave, sit still and I promise you, there will be a biscuit in it for you.
Sorry, to say that I won’t be in the studio for your pet photography session, as during the day I stay at my grumpy uncle patch’s house.
After the photo shoot my human will arrange a convenient time for you and your human to come into the studio, and view your pet images, choose your favorites, and pick a package that suits you.
My human, will go through all of the images, and narrow them down to about 25-30 pictures, and lightly edit them, just to get them perfect. This generally takes about a week or two.
Then, depending on which package you’ve chosen, it usually takes a between 2 and 4 weeks, to get the products back from the printer. Once, they arrive, my human will waste no time in contacting your human, as I know how much you will be looking forward to seeing your lovely pet photography pictures.
Feel free, to contact us to book a pet photo shoot, or ask any other questions you may have, we’ll be more than happy to help.
P.S. My human, also takes pictures of cats and other animals, but I do not talk to cats……I chase them out of my garden. DOGS RULE OK !